About Winter Park Presbyterian

Winter Park Presbyterian Church is a church family in Wilmington, North Carolina. We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church, USA.

Please note that our website is currently being reworked. We are in the process of updating many of our pages. Thank you for your patience! (May 24, 2023)

To find where we are: https://winterparkpresbyterian.org/about-wppc/find-us/

To meet our staff: https://winterparkpresbyterian.org/newstaff-profiles/

To read our Mission and Vision Statements: https://winterparkpresbyterian.org/vision-statement/

To read about our history:

To read a bit about our worship services:

To read about some of the ways we serve our neighbors: https://winterparkpresbyterian.org/serve/

View of Winter Park Presbyterian Church